TrustInSoft - Content Creation & Design

June - October 2023, I was part of the Marketing Department in Paris, France, for an internship. During this period, I created various digital marketing content for LinkedIn and Twitter, both static and video, while also performing various marketing activities such as SEO, CRM, website blog creation and more. Some of the digital marketing content I created included promotional visuals, digital assets, whitepaper design, flyer design and videos for a paid ads campaign. You can view an example of one of these videos here.

Andromedia Team

In March 2023, I joined a small team of passionate and talented creators to contribute in game development projects. I work as a Concept artist, Sprite artist and Animator, creating animations for each character to illustrate their personality to the fullest. Our current main project is Candleholder, an RPG game based on the DELTARUNE franchise.